Help Is Available
If you feel your relationship is unhealthy or you are being forced to do things you don’t want help is available. You have choices.
- Our Advocates are here to listen and help you understand what’s going on.
- If you are staying in a foster home, the Children’s Receiving Home or the Youth Detention Facility – our Advocates can come to you.
Our Advocates Are Here to
Help Without Judgement
Help Without Judgement
Every WEAVE Advocate is here to support you and respect your decisions. They will be honest with you even if you don’t like what they are saying. If you stay in the relationship, they can help you plan to stay safe. If you are staying at the Youth Detention Facility, Children’s Receiving or group home, they can visit and help explain what is going on. If you are ready to start over, they will be there to talk about your options.
When you’re ready, let’s go to the
Advocates For You page. >
Advocates For You page. >